Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Mighty Squirl Hunter

I got out with the DT Runners this morning for a tour of some new trails on North Table.  We did an 11mile loop that ran like a roller coaster along the perimeter of the mesa.  It was a great run and would be a fun training loop.

Picnic in the Park Sunday:
Jen, Ander, and I ventured over Cheesman Park today for a bit of a picnic. I guess the park was named after Walter Cheesman who's family donated the money for the park's pavilion.  It  was originally bought by Denver for $200 in 1860 and developed as the Prospect Hill Cemetery and later Denver City Cemetery.  The new residents' families were eventually given a 90 day moratorium to remove the bodies so that the land could be rezoned as a park.  It's common knowledge that bodies still rest under the park. It's a creepy thougt but a good way to welcome October.  :)

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